Google Summer of Code 2018: JOSM-wikipedia (+wikidata)

Florian Schäfer florian at
Thu Apr 26 12:56:30 UTC 2018

Hello everyone,

I'm happy to tell you that Google accepted me as a Summer of Code student for this summer.

As a project I picked the wikipedia plugin for JOSM and improving Wikidata support in it [1]. My main focus will be on
showing JOSM users additional information from MediaWiki projects and on validating existing Wikidata tags.
A detailed plan on what I would like to achieve will be published in the Wiki [2] (at the moment work in progress).

If you have questions, comments or suggestions, feel free to contact me here on the mailing list, directly via mail or
in the wiki (preferably on the talk page of [2]).

And then I also have a question for you:
Would it be ok, if I removed the wikipedia plugin from the SVN and use git for version control, at least for the time of
the GSoC? The plugin would then be an SVN external like the other plugins in the JOSM organization on GitHub. The issue
reporting would stay on [3].
This would make code review easier with my mentor (pull requests, releasing small features while leaving bigger features
on branches that are work in progress, …) and reduce the overhead of syncing back and forth between SVN and git.
With the plugins I previously worked on, I had a pretty positive experience with that workflow. And if after the GSoC it
is preferred to move the project back to SVN, I'd also do that migration.

Florian aka @floscher


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