[OSM-ja] OSM向上の議論@SotM US ( [OSM-dev] Notes - OSM improvements BoF at SOTM PDX)
Hiroshi Miura
miurahr @ osmf.jp
2012年 10月 16日 (火) 12:14:02 GMT
先日に開催されたSotM USA @PDX のメモがOSM-dev MLに投稿されていました
## OpenStreetMap.org
## Mapnik style
## Getting data out of osm.org
## Social Experience
## First time mapping
Getting Started: はじめてのガイドが不十分で、編集する前にやめちゃう人がもったいない。
## Editing
potlatchのJavascriptベースへの移植 ID は進んでいる。
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [OSM-dev] Notes - OSM improvements BoF at SOTM PDX
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 18:40:20 -0400
From: Alex Barth <alex @ mapbox.com>
To: dev @ openstreetmap.org list <dev @ openstreetmap.org>
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.gis.openstreetmap.devel
Hello everyone -
Here are my (slightly edited) notes from the Birds of a Feather session on the Knight grant and OSM improvements we had at PDX. Much of what's been mentioned meshes closely with the OSM Wishlist thread [1]. Please fill in / expand / contest where you see fit.
Just like the wishlist thread this is a pretty open ended list, but doing this kind of giant brain dump is really, really useful for getting oriented and finding out where to dig into prior work.
[1] http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/dev/2012-October/025746.html
## OpenStreetMap.org
- There is a big value in tightening the design of OpenStreetMap.org
- Small, continuous improvements are the way to go rather than a change-everything redesign
- That said, we'll want to rethink some of the paradigms on osm.org
- Making the rails port easier to set up brings more contributors, installing got a lot easier, there are still pain points that are harder to solve.
- Translations are a frequent bottleneck for copy changes, unclear how to solve this.
## Mapnik style
- How could the Mapnik style be more open to improvements? We definitely need to get it on GitHub.
- Should we have multiple canonical styles?
## Getting data out of osm.org
- Starting from osm.org it could be more straightforward to find proper download options
- Export tab on osm.org is one of the most popular locations, but needs a lot of improvement. E.g. it does not explain how the downloaded data can be used. How can export be more actionable?
- There is an expectation problem around data downloads from osm - why exactly would a user download from the export tab, what are they looking for? why is embedding under exporting? if an export fails due to its size, it's not clear where to go to get a larger dump.
- Should SVG export be replaced with something else, or improved in Mapnik enough to be worthwhile?
- How can third party services like geofabrik's shapefile exports (or jXAPI) be tied in better?
- (not a data export topic but came up here) there are needs around managing/merging external vector datasources, there's work around that in potlatch.
## Social Experience
- Improving the social experience on OSM.org is not about integrating with social platforms like Facebook, but about making it easier for mappers to connect.
- There is a gap between the broad, public mailing lists that many are not subscribed to and private messages, leading for instance to situations where individuals can be flooded with dozens of personal messages in the case of disputed changesets.
- Github style commenting on changesets with appropriate notifications could be useful.
- There are notes from OSM ux session in Washington DC earlier this year (where?)
- Privacy and safety is tantamount.
- On osm.org user profile, it would be more useful to see who's mapping in your area than who's living in your area.
- If someone modifies OSM data within a few days after you did, it would be awesome to see a note in your user profile feed about that.
- OWL is setting an important precedent for social features but is currently down due to technical difficulties.
- live.openstreetmap.fr is another great example
- Activity streams is a nascent effort in this space
- We'll want to focus on solid bottom line features that we know work well, rather than going all out on bells and whistles.
- Could OSM.org facilitate groups of common interest? E. g. 'cycling' or 'Portland, OR'. Could we for instance have diary entries in certain areas or with certain tags show up in the feed of our user profiles?
- How could community events be highlighted on osm.org? On your user profile?
## First time mapping
- What happens after you sign up? Where do you go next? How many people do we lose before the first edit because we just don't do a good job explaining how to get started?
- We could drip feed people emails with useful information after they signed up, maybe just one a week after s/o signed up and didn't edit, maybe a week after s/o did a single edit.
- The emerging Welcome Working Group will ideally be able to shed more light onto good actions for helping people through the first steps with OSM.
- What is this first edit anyway? Do we have data on this?
- A sandbox for beginners sounds like a good idea at first, but there's a real danger of loosing people to it who could be mapping the real world instead.
- A real expectation challenge is the fact that it just takes a while for your changes to show up on a map. How can editors communicate this better? Could they show fresher tiles than osm.org?
## Editing
- OpenStreetMap data is complex which makes building editors hard and making a truly simplified editing experience even harder
- That said, we know that there is much room for improvement in current editors
- The OpenStreetMap API is intentially held simple, we don't want to make it more complex than it needs to be.
- That said, it should be easier for editors to share common tasks like validation. This could happen in a library. There could also be a hosted validation service (there are questions whether the latter really makes sense based on bandwidth restrictions etc.)
- Internals of Potlatch are currently being ported to ID
- The goal for ID is to become the most intuitive OSM editor there is, leaving the expert editing space to JOSM.
- ID is written in JS because Flash has turned into a hurdle for developer participation.
- Filtering - we dwelled quite a while on this topic. OpenStreetMap data is generally speaking too interconnected to only edit a filtered part of an area.
- A first alpha version of ID could be up before the end of the year. Such a version would be able to safely edit OSM data.
- Jeff Meyer
- Coleman McCormick
- Zach McCormick
- Ian Dees
- John Firebaugh
- Kate Chapman
- Paul Norman
- Henk Hoff
- Serge Wroclawski
- Andy Allan
- Richard Fairhurst
- Saman Bemel Benrud
- Eric Gundersen
- Tom MacWright
- Dane Springmeyer
- Artem Pavlenko
- AJ Ashton
- Alex Barth
Please add if I missed someone.
Alex Barth
tel (+1) 202 250 3633
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