[Talk-us] NHD Hydro Connectors

Richard Weait richard at weait.com
Sat Feb 19 00:45:11 GMT 2011

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 7:37 PM, Dale Puch <dale.puch at gmail.com> wrote:
> The default render should be with connectors below the water bodies.  AKA
> render issue.  Possibly there should be some way to force it to render on
> top, and that would probably need a new tag.  The main reason would be to
> show the navigation route if it is restricted or complicated.  Shallow water
> with a canal, or large complicated reservoir would be 2 examples.  This
> should also be discussed with the openseamap people since it is primary for
> water navigation and they have the knowledge to give the best input.
> I agree using the oneway tag is the wrong approach to show flow direction.
> Perhaps a flow or current tag.  If we want to show that, I think that should
> also have a separate tag.  Basically duplicating the way oneway works.  The
> downside is this would complicate editing and displaying if it was tagged
> with both.  That said, for now using oneway is better than not tagging flow
> direction.

I disagree.  Water flow direction is recorded by the direction of the
way, same as steps "up" direction is recorded by the direction of the
way.  Oneway is not required for flow direction, though "reverse way
direction" might be.

Oneway should be used for movement / navigation restrictions.

Oneway as a flow indicator is incorrect.

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