[Tilesathome] Unnecessary re-rendering of tiles?

Rob Reid rob at robreid.co.nz
Thu Feb 7 00:00:46 GMT 2008

Rob Reid wrote the following on 07/02/2008 12:56:
> Dirk-Lüder Kreie wrote the following on 07/02/2008 12:05:
>> I've looked at the code, and if info.php says it's blank it should *NOT*
>> have been re-requested, unless the db somehow did not answer. But I'm
>> not that good at php so I might have missed something.
>> Basically if the z-12 tile contains any data (i.e. there is an actual
>> map tile on disk) it should not even have reached the db.php which
>> handles the emptytile and re-request.
> Thanks for having a look, I think we might have identified the cause 
> on irc the other day.
> Viewing the captionless base layer on informationfreeway probably 
> triggered the re-render request as no captionless tile existed at at 
> that time.
> Cheers
> rcr
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