[OSM-dev] zoom limit for streets

Lars Aronsson lars at aronsson.se
Thu Feb 23 02:49:19 GMT 2006

The viewer (website) currently only shows streets at zoom=11 and 
deeper.  This limit was introduced after it was believed that it 
would help performance problems.

Right now, in the middle of the (European) night, I don't see any 
performance problems.  Is it possible that we could change the 
limit to, say, zoom=9 instead of 11?  How can we determine what 
impact such a change has on performance, so we can make an 
informed decision to continue to zoom=7 or go back to zoom=10 as 
the limit?

MySQL has a "slow query log".  A similar log for slow OSM API and 
tile requests might be a good tool for performance tuning.  Do we 
have one already?

If there is a performance problem during daytime, but not at 
night, perhaps the zoom limit should change by the hour?  Once 
generated, the cached tiles will stay for 48 hours anyway.

  Lars Aronsson (lars at aronsson.se)
  Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se

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