[OSM-dev] OT: OGR, Douglas-Peucker

Erik Johansson erjohan at gmail.com
Sat Feb 25 13:37:21 GMT 2006

On 2/25/06, Richard Fairhurst <richard at systemed.net> wrote:
> Quoting Lars Aronsson <lars at aronsson.se>:
> > OGR implements line strings, but apparently not b-splines.  Is
> > this good or bad?  Doesn't anybody in GIS use splines?
> As for Douglas-Peucker, I couldn't find a library either when I looked
> last year
> (http://www.systemed.net/blog/entry050617185604.html). I eventually settled on
> importing the lines into Illustrator, using the excellent Simplify Path
> function there, and exporting again - but that's not really a very sensible
> solution except in very specific circumstances.

Implementing Douglas-Peucker isn't that hard and there are some pieces
of example code around, but I failed hard in using it. Not because it
doesn't work, it does and it's really great for lines. But I can't
reallt figure out how to use it with graphs, when two lines are
connected I don't know what to remove.

Perhaps I missed something trivial.


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