[OSM-dev] created_by considered harmfull

Raphael Studer studerap at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 13:19:58 BST 2007


> > What's about an API extension allows to select output format?
> > Maybe one is OSM XML the other OSM JSON (javascript object notation).
> If there's a choice, I think it is better to have external services
> than building everything into the core.

Whats about extending the core by I/O-modules?
The core only handles the selection/insertion of the data.
The I/O modules convert the request/response to the core api.
You could have an module speaking OSMXML, one for JSON, one for Binary etc.

> Nothing keeps you from writing an OSM <-> JSON converter, it's
> probably less then a hundred lines in the scripting language of your
> choice. Someone else can set up his own converter with extra
> features, a third guy can set up something that speaks a binary
> protocol. Some may want to filter out "created_by" tags, some not...
> and so on.

What got is a converter, if i'm the only one using it?
I mean, as long as its a feature needed by a lot of people (not at the
moment, but in the near future) why not integrate it?


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