[OSM-dev] Very long ways have been split (was: Status of Database Server after 0.4 Upgrade: Fragile)

Jon Burgess jburgess777 at googlemail.com
Sun May 13 22:57:06 BST 2007

On Sun, 2007-05-13 at 23:05 +0200, Kristian Thy wrote:
> On Sun, May 13, Barnett, Phillip wrote:
> > Frederik Ramm:
> >> If anyone notices a problem, just shout.
> >
> > Are they going to render correctly if you've split the ways, so they
> > don't form closed ways anymore?
> More importantly (to me), why are we systematically destroying data to
> fit into some arbitrary tool? These lakes are now no more recognizable
> as polygon areas, but instead two linestrings. Great, now we can't pick
> out polygons anymore automatically, instead we have to manually
> postprocess the data.
> \\kristian

Please remember the Mapnik layer too -- that will only render areas in
solid colour if they are a single closed way. Until now mapnik has never
had an issue with such long ways since it has been using the planet dump
which has no arbitrary limits on way length or bounding boxes. 

There is a chance that osm2pgsql can be taught how to re-join these ways
as it imports the planet.osm file, but not easily.


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