[OSM-dev] 0.6 database table creation script for mysql?

Tom Hughes tom at compton.nu
Tue Dec 9 22:28:21 GMT 2008

Maarten Deen wrote:

> And IMHO it is not very considerate to expect people who just want to have the 
> database to have them install rails and then get the output of one mangy little 
> file.

Well I'm very sorry about that. Please accept my humblest apologies for 
failing to meet your needs.

Obviously this being a rails app we keep the schema in the way rails 
likes to keep it because that is what is convenient for us. I'm very 
sorry it's not convenient for you. We shall of course run out and fix 
that up instantly.

> For all I'm worth, the latest database structure should be available for 
> download as an easy create script. Just include it in Osmosis or so. I mean: you 
> only have to include the script that osmosis works with (currently 0.5 and 0.6), 
> it's not like there are a dozen versions to consider.

Well If you want Osmosis to include it then you need to talk to the 
Osmosis author, not the rails authors.

To be honest unless you're running rails you probably don't want to use 
that schema anyway.


Tom Hughes (tom at compton.nu)

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