[OSM-dev] Rails port - problem installing latest version

Tom Hughes tom at compton.nu
Sun Jan 6 13:26:25 GMT 2008

In message <200801061236.29918.nick at hogweed.org>
          Nick Whitelegg <nick at hogweed.org> wrote:

> The latest version requires rubygems 0.9.4, which I updated to (actually
> 1.0.1) without problems.
> However it also requires Rails 2.0.1:
> Missing the Rails 2.0.1 gem. Please `gem install -v=2.0.1 rails`, update your
> RAILS_GEM_VERSION setting in config/environment.rb for the Rails version you
> do have installed, or comment out RAILS_GEM_VERSION to use the latest version
> installed.
> I tried
> freemap:/var/www/rails_port# gem install -v=2.0.1 rails
> but get this error
> /usr/bin/gem:23: uninitialized constant Gem::GemRunner (NameError)
> I get this problem using "gem" for anything, not just installing Rails
> version  2.0.1. Anyone else getting this?

The problem is that when you did "gem update --system" it installed
the new version of gem as /usr/bin/gem1.8 instead of /usr/bin/gem. I
had the same problem on the live machines.

Either use "gem1.8 install rails -v 2.0.1" or copy/rename/link gem1.8
to gem.

BTW I had to stick with 2.0.1 as 2.0.2 requires rmagick 2.0.0 which
in turn requires ImageMagick 6.3.0 which Debian doesn't have (even
in the unstable tree).


Tom Hughes (tom at compton.nu)

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