[OSM-dev] Switching T at H server to t at hngo NOW!

spaetz osm at sspaeth.de
Tue Jul 15 18:51:32 BST 2008

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 05:13:59PM +0100, Andrew McCarthy wrote:

> One glitch, and I'm not sure if this is happening at the server side or
> when the client is building the tileset, but I've started to see quite a
> few "unknown type" tiles, at various zoom levels. For example:
> 	http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.63473&lon=-8.65818&zoom=17&layers=0B0FFF
> Is this a problem with the blankness look-up?

DOH!!! No, it was a problem with what I tend to call brain. I deserve the stupid of the year award. I was aborting the recursive blankness bubble down immediately rather than bubbling blankness down.

I have fixed this on the server and reuploaded the tileset in question.


shows blank land all over the place now. Thanks for spotting this bug!

The tah client does deliver correct tilsets, although we will be able to simplify it somewhat (no need to always deliver blank tiles at z15 for example).


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