[OSM-dev] Good explanation of latitude-to-pixel conversion?

OJ W ojwlists at googlemail.com
Sat May 17 17:24:31 BST 2008

This set of functions might be more readable


and covers stuff like finding the edges of tiles, as well as just the
mercator stuff

On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 4:11 PM, David MENTRE <dmentre at linux-france.org> wrote:
> Hello,
>> On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 2:29 PM, Nick Whitelegg
>> <Nick.Whitelegg at solent.ac.uk> wrote:
>>> I have the code to do this, but I guess I'm one of these people that like
>>> to understand what's actually going on :-)
> You are not the only one. I followed the same path (pun intended) a few
> weeks ago.
>>> The specific formula I mean (represented in Java) is:
>>> public static int latToY(double lat,int zoom)
>>> {
>>>                double f = Math.sin((Math.PI/180)*lat);
>>>                int y = (int)Math.round
>>>                        (Math.pow(2,zoom+7) + 0.5*Math.log((1+f)/(1-f)) *
>>> (-Math.pow(2,zoom+8)/(2*Math.PI)));
>>>                return y;
>>> }
> The code you give is to translate a (lat, zoom) to x coordinate, you
> have a more direct formula applying the Mercator projection to the lat
> value:
>  http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Mercator
> In the above page, it helps to know that r_minor and r_major are Earth
> Equatorial and Polar radii[1].
> The original post helps to understand why taking into account the
> variation of radius was necessary:
>  http://osdir.com/ml/gis.openstreetmap.devel/2006-12/msg00016.html
> "OJ W" <ojwlists at googlemail.com> writes:
>> e.g. wikipedia will tell you all about how mercator itself works:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercator_projection
> This is a very useful page.
>> and for the tiles, alll you do is say "select the bit of
>> mercator-projected map between two arbitrary latitudes (which happen
>> to be numerically special but you don't need to care about that) and
>> call that range the limits of your map in Y.
>> you then just start dividing Y into halves and quarters etc. to do the tiles.
> In fact, I found explanation in
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Slippy_map_tilenames sufficient
> after thinking a little about it.
> I hope it helps,
> Yours,
> d.
> Footnotes:
> [1]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth
> --
> GPG/PGP key: A3AD7A2A David MENTRE <dmentre at linux-france.org>
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