[OSM-dev] Binary OSM; the first pass encoder

Stefan de Konink stefan at konink.de
Sun Nov 9 17:55:11 GMT 2008

Chris Browet wrote:
>         Or you can leave "blanks", to be reused...
>     You are now trying to solve the fragmentation issue in every
>     filesystem ;) I think that blanking out the values with \0 could be
>     solution for it. And allow on local side to 'defrag' the file so
>     that LEN \0\0\0\0 ->  0.
> My concern is regarding indices/pointers from the nodes/ways. How do you 
> envision them, practically?

The practical solution is just double buffering. Have an extra file that 
is the mapping between the strings files LEN [STRING], and index -> 


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