[OSM-dev] Planet vs OSM API (Was: data integrity)

Stefan de Konink stefan at konink.de
Wed Nov 26 01:35:58 GMT 2008

Hi Tom,

I see something strange happening with respect to fixing the problems.

skinkie at nemesis /tmp/osm $ cat ways/4043586
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<osm version="0.5" generator="OpenStreetMap server">
   <way id="4043586" visible="true" 
timestamp="2008-07-09T03:06:04+01:00" user="andrewpmk">
     <nd ref="16880246"/>
     <nd ref="16880055"/>
     <tag k="name" v="Highway 101 access"/>
     <tag k="created_by" v="Potlatch 0.9c"/>
     <tag k="highway" v="motorway_link"/>
     <tag k="note" v="FIXME"/>

sql>select * from way_nds where way = 4043586;
| way     | idx | to_node  |
| 4043586 |   0 | 16880246 |
| 4043586 |   1 | 17053369 |
| 4043586 |   2 | 16880055 |
3 tuples

Could you care to enlighten me how it is possible that the API exports 
the right thing. While the planet outputs something different?

If it is as simple as reuploading all detected broken ways I'm happy to 
do this. But for relations I actually was able to preserve brokenness in 
the API itself.


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