[OSM-dev] usfs data on osm

Mikel Maron mikel_maron at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 3 21:27:52 GMT 2009

Simone Cortesi <simone at cortesi.com> wrote
> On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Ian Dees <ian.dees at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'd be more than happy to help with the shapefile to osm conversion.
> > I've got a fairly universal conversion app written in java.
> >
> > Let me know when you're ready to convert.
> how do you handle the remapping of the dbf file which is part of  SHP
> to the relevant key/value in the osm file? is your java app available
> somewhere?
> I'm dealing with the conversion of these data:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/CRTN_Friuli_Venezia_Giulia

Consider the ever increasing number of imports (hooray! leverage!), we should start paving the cowpaths.

There's bits and pieces of documentation on shapefile import on the wiki, and some bits of code, but it seems like every import has to start from scratch, reinvent wheels.
Schuyler and I had sketched out a design for a standard toolbox, based on osmlib, trying to find the notes on that....
But the basic idea was to devise a mapping between properties in the dbf and OSM tags, seemed relatively straightforward, though no code was written!

The trickier part seemed to be mapping between the geographic data model in the Shapefile and OSM's topological model. If a complete road (or hiking trail) is represented by a single row, need to find the intersections. Sometimes each length between two intersections is a single row, and they need to be combined into a single way. There's probably loads of other ways to represent a network in a shapefile. Sometimes this could be detected automatically, sometimes it would need hints from a human examining the shapefile. In any case, the results need to be picked over in JOSM and manually fixed up anyway.

Anything towards documentation, surveying of the shapefile import landscape, etc, actual code, experience sharing, seems like a good idea.

http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import has lots of info, guidelines, experiences on imports generally.
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Shapefile is description of a single process. I'd suggest moving this script to another page, and using Import/Shapfile to document general issues and catalog approaches.


ps Stoked to see the national park maps making it into OSM!
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