[OSM-dev] Fw: [Geowanking] [Fwd: [Ann] LinkedGeoData.org]

Mikel Maron mikel_maron at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 15 17:35:53 BST 2009

>From discussion about linkedgeodata.org/ on geowanking...

From: Sean Gillies <sean.gillies at gmail.com>

To: geowanking at geowanking.org
> I'm skeptical about RDF too, but the linked geodata folks are adding some extra value (at least for a particular group of users): hypertext, so that you or your software can follow your nose through 
> linked nodes and ways without having to know an API specific to OSM, and persistent URIs. I'm not knocking OSM's API, but
> http://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/node/264695865
> isn't meant to be a "cool URI" for the Cafe B'liebig, is it? Requests for the version 0.5 URIs like http://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.5/node/1 return a 403, which suggests to me that I shouldn't get too 
> attached to the 0.6 ones. Of course, URIs like
> http://linkedgeodata.org/triplify/node/264695865
> have their own issue. Stamping the name of the semantic web framework you happen to be using today on the URIs you want to make future-proof isn't a cool thing to do.

Sean has a very good point here about the permanence of URIs. Permalinks to OSM objects permits integration of these identifiers into other systems. At the moment, we don't have permalinks, because the API version is included in the URL. Perhaps the API could also support read-only, permalinks for objects, like http://api.openstreetmap.org/api/node/264695865

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