[OSM-dev] Improvement of tile rendering

Ceriel Jacobs cerieljacobs at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 14:53:39 GMT 2009

On Tue, 17 Mar 2009 18:35:18 +0100 Stefan de Konink wrote:
> I have set this up completely inside a webserver. Cherokee, no php,  
> just
> the python script that renders the thing on demand. Runs in production
> for months now.
> <snip>
> vserver!10!domain!1 = tile.openstreetmap.nl

This looks really well, as tiles are shown after rendering to the  
requesting user.
No "...more OSM coming soon" messages are sent to the user.

Regarding expiry:
> <snip>
> vserver!10!rule!100!expiration = time
> vserver!10!rule!100!expiration!time = 1w

This tells the client to not contact the webserver when there is a  
tile in the local browser cache not older than 1 week?

But how is expiry of the tile files themselves being done?
There is something said about this in the about of  
tile.openstraatmap.nl, located at http://tile.openstreetmap.nl/info.html
Daily at 6.15, after NL dump is downloaded and imported, something  
happens that removes tiles older than 48 hours.

My question is: how are the old tile images removed? Would you share  
that code too?


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