[OSM-dev] Minute Diffs

Peter Childs pchilds at bcs.org
Wed Nov 11 08:52:48 GMT 2009

2009/11/11 Peter Körner <osm-lists at mazdermind.de>:
> Peter Childs schrieb:
>> I've been trying to get a copy of the OSM data set into a postgres
>> database so I can extract some statical info to help with hopefully
>> one day search etc.
>> Broadly speaking I've been following the instructions at
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Minutely_Mapnik
>> except I'm skiping osm2psql and using osmisis to import the data directly.
> I'm using osm2psql with osmosis to import the minutely replicating diffs
> and get I no errors.
> /sql/diffs/osmosis-trunk/bin/osmosis --rri workingDirectory=. --wxc - \
>   2> "$OSMOSISLOG" | /usr/bin/osm2pgsql --append --slim --cache 1024 \
>   --username gis --style /sql/planet.osm/wikimedia.extended.style \
>   --verbose - 1>&2 2> "$PSQLLOG"
> As osmosis is putting the changesets into osm2pgsql via pipe you should
> be able to plug another osmosis task in between to cut out your bbox.

The only issue with that is that it thows a nasty error....

Task 2-bb does not support data provided by default pip sotred at
level 1 in the default pipe stack.

osmosis -q --read-change-interval workingDirectory=$DIR/minute -bb
left=-11 right=2 top=64 bottom=49 --write-pgsql-change database='osm'

I'm now trying to import the change sets without the bb but with only
part of the original data....

(Which probably means I'll gather new stuff outside the original
square but hopefully it will not blow up in my face for a while since
it has plenty of hard drive space...)


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