[OSM-dev] first version of the autocad dxf2osm running with polygons

jamesmikedupont at googlemail.com jamesmikedupont at googlemail.com
Mon Jan 11 12:12:07 GMT 2010

I am not leaving right now, have another hour.

The code for the proj is here :
proj/proj.cpp:  int ret=pj_transform1(fromProj, toProj, ax, ay, az);

the function is :
void convertPoint(double x, double y, double & rx, double & ry)

it should be refactored and put into a new file. That function is called to
transform the points.
You will need to patch it to your needs.

You will need to adjust the projection code here :
 if (!(fromProj = pj_init_plus("+proj=utm +south +ellps=intl +zone=24K
+units=m -f \"%.7f\" ")) )

I have doubled checked the code. There was a problem in the build and some
missing files.
It now uses the standard Proj, located in /usr/lib/libproj.la
Will have to make some autoconf macros to locate that automatically.

I have created a bootstrap.sh for you to run, it produces the configure.

Instructions :
  1. git clone git://github.com/h4ck3rm1k3/TwoNickels.git
  2. cd TwoNickels/
  3. bash ./bootstrap
  4. ./configure
  5. make

the resulting binary :
dxf2osm is here :
./dxf2osm/dxf2osm sample.dxf > sample.osm

Please let me know if it works.
sorry for any inconveniences.


On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 11:25 AM, jamesmikedupont at googlemail.com <
jamesmikedupont at googlemail.com> wrote:

> Just use
> aclocal
> automake
> autoconf
> that will generate the configure.
> also you will need the proj stuff i checked in, otherwise if you want to
> use the standard proje we can patch it. It is hard coded to use the brazil
> transform.
> I will help you get this running, are you on irc.freenode.net #osm ? look
> for Phurl.
> gotta go out for 1-2 hours will be back
> mike
> On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Jonathan-David SCHRODER <
> jonathan.schroder at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello James !!
>> Thank you for this project.
>> We have cloned your github http://github.com/h4ck3rm1k3/TwoNickels and we
>> do not manage to just ./configure the project because this file doesn't
>> exist.
>> We plan to use your converter for buildings dxf maps => osm conversion for
>> indoor mapping.
>> Can you help us on compiling your project from the "configure" file
>> generation step ?
>> Thanks so much !!
>> Jonathan
>> On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 9:45 PM, jamesmikedupont at googlemail.com <
>> jamesmikedupont at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> I have made a version of dime that compiles with gcc on linux and has
>>> openstreetmap output.
>>> It uses a hacked version of proj, which i want to integrate closely
>>> using c++ templates to reduce overhead.
>>> It is my opinion that we can add in all these templates to produce a
>>> inline template function that does the conversion,
>>> this will be able to be optimized very well.
>>> here is my diary entry about it:
>>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/h4ck3rm1k3/diary/9137
>>> example data (OUT_1.osm.bz2)  files from brasil :
>>> http://ia341329.us.archive.org/1/items/VitoriaOpenstreetmapData/
>>> Code is on github:
>>> dime :  http://github.com/h4ck3rm1k3/TwoNickels
>>> proj.4 : http://github.com/h4ck3rm1k3/ProjC--/
>>> I want to use my new template classes with all these tools to better
>>> integrate them.
>>> I can imagine that there is one point template that maps all points in
>>> all the tools to one register of memory.
>>> Meaning that we can replace the types in the older system to synthetic
>>> template types that present a facade to the existing interface.
>>> Also you can read my diary entries on the EPANatReg, the epa which is
>>> a high speed sax2 xerces-c template processor.
>>> I have written lots of little command line processors that are very
>>> fast. You can make template callbacks access world data in a high
>>> speed custom way. a little bit slower that wc, the wordcount.
>>> https://code.launchpad.net/~jamesmikedupont/+junk/EPANatReg<https://code.launchpad.net/%7Ejamesmikedupont/+junk/EPANatReg>
>>> Happy new year.
>>> mike
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