[OSM-dev] [Imports] Inserting OSM data

Frederik Ramm frederik at remote.org
Tue Mar 23 11:50:29 GMT 2010


Jaak Laineste wrote:
> Just for the
> future APIs I suggest to give to original importer (or just editor) some
> kind of priority over the others. Like possibility to lock/protect some
> parts of the data. It could be done in several levels:

> 1) my inserted data (tag, node, relation, way - any of them) can be defined
> as private, nobody else can not even see it.
> 2) my data is protected - you can see, but not modify
> 3) my data has group privacy/protection under my control: I can give view/
> modify / delete permissions to specific users/groups

These three are, in my opinion, not compatible with the spirit of OSM. 
If you want your own data, store it somewhere else ;-)

> 4) I can subscribe to notifications for any modifications of my data (this
> specific piece of it). So I could easily see and revert changes.

This is widely demanded, and already partly implemented by XAPI. It is 
however not something that necessarily has to be a core service - anyone 
could implement it.


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