[OSM-dev] hstore / db schema Was: Query-Formats

Florian Lohoff f at zz.de
Wed Mar 24 16:42:29 GMT 2010

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 01:30:04PM +0100, Peter Körner wrote:
> Hi
> On the osm dev-server we're playing around with the postgres-hstore 
> extension which allows us to repond to xapi-like queries, but with 
> already assembled LIESTRINGs and such neat things.

Which is not per se a feature of hstore ... hstore is just another
data type which is neat because it fits into the OSM model concerning 
tags ... 

I am currently building most of my applications around the osmosis 
db schema but the split into node and node_tags and way and way_tags
is - hum - not very efficient.

This is why i would be interested in some tools to import a planet/sub extract
into a more efficient db scheme which still allows to store all details
of the osm planet (which osm2pgsql does not) but is more efficient
concerning spatial queries.

E.g. i'd like to drop way_tags and put them into a hstore tags column in the
way table and then cluster the way table with the geom index on the linestring
for example.

Does anyone have speed/place comparisons?

Florian Lohoff                                                 f at zz.de
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