[OSM-dev] osm2pgsql not appending changeset?

Ákos Maróy akos at maroy.hu
Tue Dec 6 11:55:42 GMT 2011

On 06/12/11 12:37, Peter Körner wrote:
> Am 06.12.2011 11:30, schrieb Ákos Maróy:
>> on the OSM wiki, I found a number of update options, and I have to say
>> I'm a bit confused. which is the best option if I want to get all the
>> updates for the whole planet file, say, each week?
> Call osmosis once a week to download the last 7 day-replicate files and
> push them through osm2pgsql.

thanks for the input.

I'm looking at the osmosis documentation, both online, and through
--help, but can't find pointers on downloading. I see options to derive
changesets, load OSM XML files into a database, applying changesets,
sorting, etc.

could you be more specific?

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