[OSM-dev] Write PBF

Peter Körner osm-lists at mazdermind.de
Wed Jun 1 13:27:48 BST 2011


Am 01.06.2011 14:23, schrieb "Michael Prieß":
> Can anyone say how long do I need to write from database to pbf a country like Germany? Minutes, Hours, Weeks?

I can read a complete pbf history dump in pbf format (more information 
than in the current planet.osm) and write it to another pbf file in 
about 1 hour.

Writing to a .osm.bz2 takes 21 hours.

I used the osmium library https://github.com/MaZderMind/osmium and it's 
osmium_convert tool to benchmark the writer I implemented.


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