[OSM-dev] A couple of new Osmosis plugins: osmosis-simplifyways, osmosis-fastused

Igor Podolskiy igor.podolskiy at vwi-stuttgart.de
Tue Jun 14 18:33:19 BST 2011

Hi @dev,

for a current project I wrote some Osmosis tasks which were useful to 
me, and as they were more or less generic I thought they might as well 
be useful for others, too. So, without further ado, here they are:

* osmosis-simplifyways

Provides the "--simplify-ways" task which is a straightforward 
Ramer-Douglas-Peucker way geometry simplifier.

* osmosis-fastused

Provides "fast-used-node" and "fast-used-way" tasks which are way faster 
than the standard used-* tasks for some use cases, especially 
restrictive tag-based filtering. The downside is that they are also way 
more complicated to use. Use your judgment (and the documentation) to 
find out whether you want to use them or not.

There is documentation on the github pages and also the precompiled 
versions in the download area. Needless to say, comments, bug reports, 
forks and pull requests are welcome, just use the appropriate github 
features ;)

Have fun with the plugins,
Greetings from Stuttgart,

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