[OSM-dev] Austrian National Grid <-> latlon

Nick Whitelegg Nick.Whitelegg at solent.ac.uk
Thu Jun 23 23:28:29 BST 2011

Thanks everyone for input to this. Got proj4java working on android, after removing the AWT dependencies, and works fine with EPSG:3785 (google mercator) and 27700 (OSGB). Given the German projections seem a little simpler I might use EPSG:31469 as it seems to cover the Vienna area.


>Hi Nick,

 >> [...]
>> I'd presume there's a similar
>> Austrian national grid  [...]
>yes, there is something like that :) A quick search brought up a list of 
>EPSG codes for Austria [1] published by Bundesamt für Eich- und 
>Vermessungswesen (Federal Office for Metrology and Survey). You will 
>need the codes marked with "new" ("neu") in the first column.
>According to this presentation from University of Salzburg [2], the 
>Lambert one is used for low-scale maps (< 1:500000), and the 
>Gauss-Krüger projections are used for 1:50000 and 1:200000 topographic 
>maps. And, of course, there is a plan for an UTM transition... There is 
>also a page in English about Austrian map projections [3].

>Please take everything I say with a grain of salt - I'm German and quite 
>surprised that the Austrian projection system is _that_ complex. We more 
>or less just use EPSG:31467 here :) Just thought it would be simpler for 
>me to search for the German language resources.

>And, as Richard said, proj.4 and spatialreference.org are your friends ;)

>Hope that helps

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