[OSM-dev] Problem configuring Cgimap for OSM API

Arjen de Korte arjendk at gmx.net
Wed Aug 29 23:03:11 BST 2012

Hi all,

I'm trying to install the OSM Cgimap FastCGI-module on Ubuntu Server 
12.04 for better performance of the map API call. I already have the 
Rails port with the regular API set up and working.

I've built Cgimap following the instructions on the wiki 

I then installed the Apache FCGI module:

sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-fcgid

And added the following to my Apache configuration 

         ScriptAlias /fcgi/ /path/to/cgimap/
         <Directory "/path/to/cgimap/">
                 SetHandler fcgid-script
                 AllowOverride None
                 Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
                 Order allow,deny
                 Allow from all

I've added the database settings to /etc/environment as described in the 


Then restarted the server.

When I now make a FastCGI map call, e.g.:


I get an internal server error, and /var/log/apache2/error.log reports:

Exception: database name not specified
[Wed Aug 29 21:48:39 2012] [warn] [client 82.171.xxx.xxx] 
(104)Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: error reading data from 
FastCGI server
[Wed Aug 29 21:48:39 2012] [error] [client 82.171.xxx.xxx] Premature end 
of script headers: map

I see "database name not specified", so something could be wrong there, 
but also a message "Premature end of script headers: map" - I don't know 
what that means.

Could anyone help me solve this problem? Any suggestions welcome!

NB: the regular API call 
http://myserver/api/0.6/map?bbox=5.095,52.075,5.1,52.08 still works 
correctly and returns a good OSM XML-document!

Kind regards,


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