[OSM-dev] processed_p.tar.bz2 inverted?

Sven Geggus lists at fuchsschwanzdomain.de
Wed Feb 22 21:50:28 GMT 2012


this is probably more of a GIS Question than an OSM one.

For a nice combination of hillshade and water I would like to invert
the processed_p.shp file from http://tile.openstreetmap.org/processed_p.tar.bz2

This should prevent rendering of hillshaded water on the edges as
water can be rendered above hillshades this way.

Unfortunately this does not seem to be as easy as it sounds.

I tried to import it into postgis and using ST_Difference but it
looks like processed_p.shp is somewhat broken.

Any other hint ob how this could be done?


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