[OSM-dev] Map rendering issue

Jon Burgess jburgess777 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 22:22:20 BST 2012

On Wed, 2012-06-13 at 16:46 -0400, Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) wrote:
> Without changing zoom, drag over and down South America.  Watch it go
> white (gray).  Then move on over to the blank face of Australia.
> That's the bug.

The key question is whether the data is in the database or not. Can you
run a query like the one below which should return a single node
for an aerodrome near the southern tip of South America:


gis=> select osm_id,name,aeroway,astext(st_transform(way,4326)) from planet_osm_point where osm_id=1042020307;
   osm_id   |        name        |  aeroway  |                   astext                   
 1042020307 | Los Cerros Airport | aerodrome | POINT(-67.8329009905576 -54.3441009947259)
(1 row)


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