[OSM-dev] Querying OAuth access token permissions

Christoph Bünte tiny-grasshopper at gmx.net
Wed May 2 12:22:03 BST 2012

Am 26.04.2012 um 17:42 schrieb Christoph Bünte:

> Am 20.04.2012 um 13:31 schrieb Tom Hughes:
>> On 20/04/12 12:13, Christoph Bünte wrote:
>>> But is there a way to find out if the user which permissions the user actually granted? In particular, we would like to know whether the access token can change the map. We know the recommended way is to just try an API call which requires the specific permission. Our infrastructure queues all changes to the osm data and works it off later to be independent from OSM API status. But when the job is worked off it is too late to tell the user, that permissions are missing.
>> Not at the moment, but it would be easy enough to add it to the user details API call (/api/0.6/user/details).
> We implemented the suggested feature including tests and created a pull request on github:
> https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/pull/45
> Could you have a look at it?

We did not get any feedback on our approach of improving the OSM API. We would like to know if it because it is totally crap or for some other reason.

So we call out to every OSM developer to check the code make a remark.

Thx, Christoph

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