[OSM-dev] Increase max zoom past 16

Sam Rose srose34 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 1 20:03:33 GMT 2012

I am creating an Android app that displays an OpenStreetMap using osmdroid.

On the tile server I am using: Mod_tile, renderd, mapnik, osm2pgsql and a
postgresql/postgis database.

Currently the map will only zoom to level 16, any zoom level beyond this
returns HTTP request errors saying that the map tile was not found e.g. on
zoom level 17 I get: Problem downloading MapTile: 17/64367...

I have been looking through various files and have noticed a
few variables relating to Max zoom but I am not too sure what to change. I
modified the entities.xml.inc to have the following at the bottom:
<!ENTITY minscale_zoom18 "<MinScaleDenominator>1000</MinScaleDenominator>">

however this did not change anything. Can anyone help?

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