[OSM-dev] osm2pgsql and bbox imports

Stephan Knauss osm at stephans-server.de
Sun Oct 14 23:11:32 BST 2012

On 12.10.2012 18:38, Peter Wendorff wrote:
> Am 12.10.2012 18:12, schrieb Stephan Knauss:
>> Peter Wendorff writes:
>>> osm2pgsql has to store nodes outside the bbox because geometries that
>>> overlap the borders etc. should be included in the result, too.
>> how certain are you regarding this?
> It's only based on my observations and short comments on questions
> regarding that in the IRC channels.
> My germany extract import took incredibly long and the number of nodes
> in the slim nodes table is around in line with the data stats for
> Germany as a whole, while I only imported one city (by bounding box
> filtering).

I can say it's a bug with pbf processing. I was able to reproduce the 
problem and created a ticket.


I suggest you have a look at the filtering capabilities of osmconvert. 
It was able to extract my desired bbox out of the 2GB asia extract 
within 5 minutes.

The resulting database is now 40 times smaller and in a range I was used 
to before my software upgrade.


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