[OSM-dev] osm2pgsql Lua tag transformations

Sarah Hoffmann lonvia at denofr.de
Wed Jun 24 19:37:07 UTC 2015


On Sat, Jun 20, 2015 at 05:47:43PM +0200, nebulon42 wrote:
> I'm currently experimenting with Lua tag transformations when
> importing data with osm2pgsql and trying to remove members of
> type=route relations (public transport routes) that have the role
> platform from planet_osm_line. The problem I'm trying to avoid can
> be seen here:
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/48.19117/16.34794&layers=T
> (platforms coloured like routes)
> I thought that when I set membersuperseded = 1 for the corresponding
> relation members in filter_tags_relation_member this would work, but
> apparently it isn't.

membersuperseded doesn't really do what you think it does. If a way
in a relation is marked as superseded, then the way itself will no
longer be considered an object of its own but just a part of the
relation. Or to put it the other way around, if membersuperseded is 0
then the way may still be included in the output tables as a
separate object (naturally depending on if it has interesting
tags or not).

It is currently not possible to exclude specific members in a
relation from taking part in the computation of the final geometry.
The geometry computation always uses all ways available.


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