[OSM-dev] C++ Osmium - Customize Location Precision

Bryant Curto bryantcurto at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 21:30:35 UTC 2019

Hello all!

I would like to read and write locations with one or two more digits of
precision using Osmium.

Osmium's Location class
to be the cause behind coordinates being stored with 7 digits of precision.
Looking at the source, it appears that I would need to add a few zeros to
the end of *coordinate_precision
increase *scale* and *max_digits*
a few. However, setting *coordinate_precision* to 1e8 (or more) will result
in many coordinates overflowing 4-byte signed integer members *m_x*
and m_y, and
a slew of other issues.

Any suggestions would be appreciated?

- Bryant
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