sdufour stephanie.s.dufour at wanadoo.fr
Thu Dec 19 15:43:32 UTC 2013

Hello Guys !!!
Our Medical Organization intervenes in Goma and its area (http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=14/-1.6615/29.2295&layers=N) on regular basis by providing support to Health Centers AND by monitoring the epidemiological situation in the area.
We have the list of Health Centers in Goma but we would need to know where they are located on the map. 
We thought it would be a good idea to set up a task manager job for it. Obviously a map of the whole city with water sources, hospitals, local markets, etc..)  would be amazing, but initial focus is to map the health centers in order to compare with the datas we already have.

The map would help a lot in understanding the dynamics in term of care access. 

Moreover we have a team on the field able to get info for the map.

Thanks a lot for your precious help.

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