[HOT] HOT Tech WG Meeting X+3

Dražen Odobašić dodobas at geoinfo.geof.hr
Tue Nov 5 13:41:38 UTC 2013

Tech WG IRC meeting X+3: Summary

  * reports that he is learning more vagrant/chef-solo tricks

  * continuous deployment of HOTOSM style fixes

  * getting back to hot www Drupal7 migration

  * reports recent about events regarding tasksV2 and HOT HIF application
  * the activation group meeting log (which turned out to be a bit more
technical) is available at
  * HIF application form is available at
    * harry-wood mentions that there are some "space technology" grants
available here the UK, to which HOT could apply

  * reports about problems of viruses infecting usb flash drives which in the
end erased a few GPS loggers after they were plugged in
  * ybon mentions that on Haiti, they switched everything to Linux (Ubuntu), to
prevent this kind of problems

General notes:
  * there are quite a few hackathons planned for the next weekend
  * hack event on Sunday with MapAction
  * http://www.opendevelopmentcamp.org/

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