[HOT] West Africa Ebola Activation : follow-up

Pierre Béland pierzenh at yahoo.fr
Thu Sep 4 02:14:07 UTC 2014

Thanks Rafael

Yes the editors could remove simply the name tag from the polygon. 

I will send you a zip archive of the file.


 De : Rafael Avila Coya <ravilacoya at gmail.com>
À : Pierre Béland <pierzenh at yahoo.fr> 
Cc : "hot at openstreetmap.org" <hot at openstreetmap.org> 
Envoyé le : Mercredi 3 septembre 2014 21h22
Objet : Re: [HOT] West Africa Ebola Activation : follow-up

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Hi, Pierre:

My suggestion was that, at the end of the process, we just download
again the polygons with overpass (for example), delete the names using
JOSM filter (very simple in one step) and upload (we could make a diff
to check that there aren't new named residential polygons since we
downloaded them at the beginning). Alternatively, you could let the
contributors do it manually: they check the name of the node and type
of the place and, on top of that, they delete the name from the
polygon. In this case, it would be part of the workflow of the TM job.
Not a big deal in any case. The script only produces a file with nodes
at its centroid (with the name of the polygon that encloses it and a
type (village/town) based on the total are of the
polygon/multipolygon), but don't make any change in the original one,
like deleting the name in the polygons (that has to be done in one
step (overpass) or manually by contributors in the TM job).

I would only need a file with those +/- 4,500 polygons/multipolygons
to produce the nodes file and set the TM job.


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