[HOT] International Women's Day 2016 - One way to show your support for diversity in the OSM community - osm wiki userboxes

Blake Girardot bgirardot at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 13:12:47 UTC 2016

Hi all,

As part of International Women's Day 2016, I took a pledge to support 
women, girls and gender diversity in the HOT and OSM communities.

One small way to share my commitment is that I created and OSM wiki 
"Userbox" to show my support for women in the OSM community.

If you are an osm wiki user, you may or may not know about userboxes, 
they are like badges that you can show on your osm wiki user page.

For example this is my osm wiki userpage (ingore all the junk on there 
and just look at the userboxes section :)


If you are a wiki user it is easy to add, you just need to edit your 
wikiuser page. Some directions are provided on the userbox page itself:



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