[Imports] Imports vs. Converting data

Sam Vekemans acrosscanadatrails at gmail.com
Sun May 23 04:17:03 BST 2010

I think there is a misconception of the loose-term 'imports'.

Because data that is 'available', should really JUST be made available
as .osm files and/or available as a WMS (underlay map of data to trace

As 'Imports', are good, as more data 'available' means that the
community on the ground can use the available data & 'drop in' what
data they want. Which will improve the map. (so inotherwords, not
importing the data is good)

What the OSM community does NOT like, is when people "bulk_implop"
large datasets, and do not look at what exists (and are not local to
the area).

Having a 'fixme=needs varification' tag, does NOT help, this practice
should be avoided. Since the local area mapper, already varifies the
data (and is responsable for it).
So this is a reason that 'source=*' might not be needed, since the
data is available from the wiki, and is already properly sourced.
So the idea that data could be removed if need, is rather far-fetched,
because it is technically not possable to remove it 100% as thousands
of users are working with the data. If it was tracing from WMS, then
it is not possable to accuratly varify the source.

My 2 pence,

p.s. If i repeate myself, over and over with different words order
.... Eventually it'll be clear.

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