[Imports] How good can an import be?

Richard Weait richard at weait.com
Mon Apr 4 20:09:06 BST 2011

How good can an import be for OpenStreetMap?  Zero-stars[1], at best.

Make a mistake with the import, just one; duplicate too many nodes,
overwrite existing data, import from a low-quality or old source, fail
to connect it to existing data, and suddenly you are causing harm.
Net harm.  Not just "less good" but straight into "bad."

So what's better?  Use an external data source, not for an import, but
as another reference.  Consider your import sources, aerial imagery,
existing OSM data, and your real-time, hands-on, eyes-on, local
knowledge.  Now you have a way to make an informed choice about the
data to add to OpenStreetMap.  Now you are adding real value, personal
expertise that cannot be beaten by a remote mapper or a random import.
 Now you are making a difference.

[1] http://weait.com/content/how-well-can-you-map

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