[Imports] Using Rewritten ogr2osm

Andrew Guertin andrew.guertin at uvm.edu
Mon Mar 5 21:03:35 UTC 2012

I have gotten ogr2osm to work on Windows.

First, I installed python 2.7.2 from

Then, I installed gdal-19-1600-x64-core.msi and
GDAL-1.9.0.win-amd64-py2.7.msi from

Then I set system environment variables:
GDAL_DATA="C:\Program Files\GDAL\gdal-data"
Path="<stuff>;C:\Program Files\GDAL"

Then, I downloaded ogr2osm, and ran it from a command line (not a python
shell) as
C:\Python27\python.exe .\ogr2osm.py -p "<my projection>" -t
translations\uvmtrans.py <path\to\input\file>

I'm not particularly experienced with Windows, so I don't know if any of
these steps could be left out or modified. In particular, I don't know
if there's a way to get the all files as a zip package of GDAL working,
possibly by modifying environment variables. I also don't know if the
environment variables I set were necessary or correct. However, it did
work for me.


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