[Imports] Hungarian CLC import

Balázs Szalkai bszalkai0 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 29 14:44:47 UTC 2012

Here are the properties of an example multipolygon:

<tag k="CLC:code" v="311"/>
<tag k="CLC:id" v="HU-18010"/>
<tag k="CLC:year" v="2006"/>
<tag k="landuse" v="forest"/>
<tag k="source" v="© EEA, Koppenhága (2009); Készítette a FÖMI a KvVM
megbízásából (2009)"/>
<tag k="wood" v="deciduous"/>
<tag k="type" v="multipolygon"/>

"You will also see that people are adjusting their own work to what is
already there (because that's the "standard")"

Well, I'm not sure. My humble experience shows that there are very thorough
mappers who e.g. always add a "source" tag to their additions (even if it
is a survey) and try to be as precise as possible, and there are people who
flood OpenStreetMap with rivers, places, etc. that are about 70m off from
reality; or they make frequent spelling mistakes (I have corrected lots of
them). Your standards really do not depend on what other people do and how.
But this is just my theory.

"you will be surprised how fast this situation might change"

Let's hope the best. A more recent and more detailed Bing would really be
awesome. In the past few months I recorded several tracks with my GPS at a
poorly photographed area, but that was quite a tedious work compared to
finding and tracing them on a satellite imagery.

"Well, if there are no objections from the mappers in your area"

no, there aren't.
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