[Imports] TIGER realignment import

Andrew Buck andrew.r.buck at gmail.com
Tue Aug 6 13:10:25 UTC 2013

With regards to how to view changes in a .osc file in josm you should be
able to use the 'Todo plugin' to accomplish this fairly easily.  Load up
your .osc file ready to submit to the api and then before you submit it, do
a search for 'modified' or in this case what will probably work better is
'modified type:way'.

Once you have all the changed ways selected, open the Todo list panel and
press 'add' to add them to the checklist.  Double click on the first one
and it should select it and zoom there.  Then if it is ok, you can either
press '[' (the left square bracket) to skip to the next element on the
list, or more usefully ']' (the right square bracket) to both skip to the
next object on the checklist as well as mark the current object
'complete'.  This should let you review the changes pretty efficiently.  I
know I have used it exactly like this to double check buildings traced from
high res, but poorly aligned imagery, and make sure I remembered to
re-align each one to the lower res, but properly aligned imagery.  I am not
an expert on how .osc files work, but I assume they just apply to your
current dataset and then show up like normal changes made manually, so the
search for 'modified' should work as expected.

I would also recommend using either wireframe mode, or tweaking your map
paint style file to hide the brown 'tiger:reviewed=no' outline, as it makes
it much easier to check the new geometry against the imagery.

Hope this helps.

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