[Imports] IENC of the German WSV

Martin Koppenhoefer dieterdreist at gmail.com
Tue Dec 10 19:55:00 UTC 2013

2013/12/10 Christian Wegerhoff <Wegerhoff at mediaworx.com>

Great to see the WSV data liberated.

This applies in particular to harbor=yes/seamark:type=harbor and
> historic=wreck/seamark: type=wreck.

As a sidenote, there is a typo, it should be (and according to taginfo is)
"harbour" because we use the British English spelling for formal tags.

Generally I find it problematic to use the key-prefix "seamark" for stuff
that isn't a seamark (aka sign), this is nothing particular with this
manual import but a general remark on how stuff is done on the osm water.
E.g. seamark:type=harbour is fine for a seamark indicating a harbour, but
it isn't (IMHO) a nice tag for the harbour itself.

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