[Imports] Cyprus - postal codes

TDTwister Gmail tdtwisteruk at gmail.com
Thu Dec 26 21:01:01 UTC 2013

Hi everybody,

I have posted the following message to talk at openstreetmap.org

    I manage to get a list of Cyprus postal codes from Cyprus Postal Service
    both in Greek and in English (as separate files).
    I wrote some python scripts to match the Greek and the English name of
    the streets and mapped them on to OSM (some of them).
    I am in the process of creating a script to upload the result (only
    manually confirmed mappings for now approximately 500 roads) and I would
    like to ask a few questions.

    Is anyone responsible for this area that I should first coordinate with?
    Is the correct postcode tag for a way "postal_code"?
    There shouldn't be any copyright issue with the data since Cyprus Postal
    Service is a government organization and the data should be public but
    just in case I should ask. Does anyone know or has attempted the same
    thing in a similar situation?
    I know i can put name:el and name:en as tags but what the name tag
    should be for a way? Greek, English and Turkish are the official

And got the following answers


    Your enthusiasm and interest are welcome!

    Beware that importing data from other sources is a highly contentious
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    I don't think postcodes should go on roads. Either you add them
    addresses or buildings as addr:postcode=......

    Or you create a boundary (relation):



    You should indeed first discuss this on the import list as well and
    there they will tell you to discuss it with the local community...
    Maybe you can find some contributors in the history of objects to
    consult with?

Given that to the best of the observations I have made there is no easy
way to draw bounds, does anyone have any more feedback or sugestions?
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