[Imports] Baltimore County Maryland Hydrology Import

Christoph Hormann chris_hormann at gmx.de
Sat Sep 20 11:06:00 UTC 2014

On Friday 19 September 2014, Elliott Plack wrote:
> - tunnels: in the data, water in culverts do not have a
> specified type, so these require manual QC before importing

It should be possible to transfer the type from the adjacent waterways 
to the tunnel section.

> - basin: This is probably a poor tag choice. The data lists these as
> stormwater management ponds though, so they could be dry or wet, and
> basin is the tag on the wiki. I've been manually changing the wet
> ones to pond when applicable. This will require more looking at.

landuse=basin seems appropriate for areas that are normally not or only 
to a small extent water filled, otherwise natural=water + 
water=reservoir (if water storage is the primary function) or 
water=pond would be better.

Christoph Hormann

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