[Imports] Fayetteville, AR Building Footprints Import

Michael Morisette michael.morisette at gmail.com
Sat Jan 14 02:57:50 UTC 2017


I'm desiring to import building footprints for Fayetteville, AR.  I 
understand that it's protocol to first open a discussion before 
proceeding to do this en masse.

Current situation on OSM, and reason:
Fayetteville largely lacks footprints, and I feel this would add a good 
point of reference and nice level of detail to the map.

Data source(s):
City of Fayetteville, AR GIS (obtained from)
Washington County, AR Assessor (data origin)
(both public domain)

Downloaded from:
As a GIS Analyst working for the city, I can attest that the overall 
quality of this data is good; our office uses these footprints daily for 
geographic analysis and we promptly correct any errors we find.

Processing done so far:
I have spatial joined our address data and have massaged it for 
importing into OSM.  I have assigned the following tags to most of the 
footprints I plan to import:
addr:city <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:addr:city?uselang=en-US>
addr:full <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:addr:full?uselang=en-US>
addr:state <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:addr:state?uselang=en-US>
(the above all taken from our address data)
building <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:building?uselang=en-US> 
(classifications also derived from our address data)

Buildings that don't have a corresponding address, or have multiple 
address points on top of them have been assigned a simple:
building = yes (with no address information)

OSM work done so far:
I tested (sucessfully?) on a single block northeast of the intersection 
of Mission Blvd and Old Wire road.  I have deleted any (now redundant) 
address nodes that the footprints lie on top of.

Planned work:
I plan to do the rest of the city in chunks, likely to be bounded by 
major roads, while also reconciling with any features already drawn on 
the map.  After the city gets filled in I may expand this project into 
the surrounding cities and rural areas.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, 
suggestions, etc.

Thank you

~Mike Morisette~
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