[Imports] Importing USNG Sign Locations

Sofia kozidis.sofi at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 16:35:32 UTC 2022


I have included my business email in this message and a pdf of our USNG
training for first responders.

I am interested in importing data from Bayfield County Land Record’s
Department to support emergency responders in the Cable, WI area and
throughout the county. Along with a volunteer group, we have mapped out
trail intersections to place USNG (U.S. National Grid) signs. Then the
volunteers have installed those signs at those specified intersections.

Now that we have installed the signs, I need to upload my sign locations to
OSM so that first responders can download it to their devices at any time.
This will help them locate citizens when then need assistance when

This is a collaboration effort between Bayfield County Land Records, Fire,
Police, SharedGeo.org, and the Chequamegon Area Mountain Bike Association.

Thank you for your help!



*Sofia Kozidis*

*GIS\UAV Pilot Project Assistant*

Bayfield County Land Records Department

sofia.kozidis at bayfieldcounty.wi.gov

Office: 715-373-3429
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