[josm-dev] Cleaning up i18n/build.xml

Marko Mäkelä marko.makela at iki.fi
Sat Mar 7 19:28:24 GMT 2009

On Fri, Mar 06, 2009 at 12:24:51PM +0100, Dirk Stöcker wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Mar 2009, Marko Mäkelä wrote:
>> Finally, http://code.google.com/p/gettext-commons/issues/detail?id=9
>> was fixed in gettext-ant-tasks-0.9.6.jar.  I committed the patch to
>> josm/i18n but did not commit the rebuilt po directory or generated files,
>> because I didn't want to step on anyone's toes with that.
> You broke the i18n build at least in 4 places:
> a) "he" will not be build, as you removed the language renaming of  
> previous build. "he" must be "iw_IL" inside of java or it wont work.
> b) the number of strings is no longer displayed, so I cannot check anmore 
> if the translations are complete or the import process was faulty.
> c) The final josm-translations.jar contains the .java files, which is a  
> waste of space.
> d) ant clean does not cleanup po directory anymore

Regarding a), according to IETF RFC 4646 <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4646>
and apparently the ISO 639-2
<http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php>, you're right,
"he" is to be preferred over "iw".  Unfortunately, I can't see a way to
provide a such a mapping in gettext-ant-tasks.

Regarding b), the msgfmt command line is pretty much fixed in
gettext-ant-tasks.  This and the above means that gettext-ant-tasks
in its current form are not useable in this project.  (There is an
option to provide a thresold percentage of messages translated, but
that's all I could find related to statistics.)

I fixed point c) in r13996.

I can't repeat d).  I didn't remove anything related to the "po" directory
from the "clean" target in r13964.  For me, ant clean seems to work
just fine:

ant clean
Buildfile: build.xml

   [delete] Deleting directory .../josm/i18n/build
   [delete] Deleting: .../josm/i18n/po/josm.pot

Total time: 0 seconds

Given issues a) and b), I will revert i18n/build.xml to use the exec
tasks as before r13964.  I'll try to add sorting the file names to the
mix, so that the number of merge conflicts will be reduced in the future.


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