JOSM backports now available for Debian stable users

Bas Couwenberg sebastic at
Thu Jun 23 12:34:19 UTC 2016

Earlier today the packages for the JOSM backport 
(openstreetmap-map-icons, jmapviewer, josm & josm-plugins) were accepted 
into the archive, closing the long standing bugreport. [0]

After the mirror push the packages will be available for installation.

As documented in the backports instructions [1], the backports suite 
needs to be specified explicitly to install the backported packages.

In general the following should suffice to install or upgrade to the 
JOSM backport:

  apt-get install -t jessie-backports openstreetmap-map-icons-classic 
jmapviewer josm josm-plugins


Kind Regards,


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