[OSM-legal-talk] CC Attribution Share Alike License with OSMF exception

Brian Quinion openstreetmap at brian.quinion.co.uk
Fri Sep 5 12:07:28 BST 2008


Been reading all the discussions for a while with growing frustration.
 I find my self mostly agreeing with the CC-By-SA license but I do
wish there was a way to easily provide exceptions to those
organisations wishing to make good use of the data but having problems
with the license.

So my questions is this:  would it be possible for the contributors to
OSM (in addition to releasing the data as CC-By-SA) to also grant a
license to the OSMF to use the data for ANY purpose? and to be able to
in turn also license the data on other projects / organisations by
unanimous vote?

I'd be willing to trust the OSMF to only release the data under
license for suitable purposes.  For instance they could license it to
npe with an explicit agreement that using it to geocode postcodes did
not constitute a derivative work.    Or they could give definitive
interpretations of what was covered by CC-By-SA and back it up with
their own license agreement if there was ever a dispute.

Is this just stupid, or is this an easy way out of the bind the
project now seems to find itself in?  I guess it really comes down to
if people would be willing to trust OSMF...


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